A. L. Fymat, Alzheimer's - A runaway autoimmune disease, Neuroforum 2024, Scholars World Congress on Neuroscience and Brain Disorders, Theme: "Emerging Perspectives in Neurology and Brain Research", 27-28 March 2024, Barcelona, Spain.
A. L. Fymat, The Diseased Brain: Neurodegenerative and other diseases,Journal of Neurology and Psychology Research" Article _CS261223 ” 5(1);1-54 (8 January 2024).
A. L.Fymat, The Coming Dementia Pandemic: Prescription for a Cure,Current Opinions in Neurological Science Editorial, ArticleID: CONS24ED01 9(1):1-5, (13 January 24).
A. L. Fymat, Memory- I. Processes and constructs,Journal of Neurology and Psychology Research "Article_LRW140124" 5(3):1-25 (24 January 2024).
A. L. Fymat, Memory- II. The Aging Brain,Journal of Neurology and Psychology Research “Article_LRW240124_II” 5(3):1-19 (5 February 2024).
A. L. Fymat, Memory- III. The Neurodegenerated Brain,Journal of Neurology and Psychology Research" "Article _LRW060224_III" 5(3):1-29 (15 February 2024).
A. L. Fymat, Treatment of Memory Disorders – I. Non-pharmacological and Non-Interventional Therapies", Journal of Neurology and Psychology Research “Article_LRW180224_I” 5(3):1-29 (26 February 2024).
A. L. Fymat, Treatment of Memory Disorders – II. Pharmacotherapy", Journal of Neurology and Psychology Research" Article ID: “Article_LRW280224_II” 5(3):1-38 (11 March 2024).
A. L. Fymat, Treatment of Memory Disorders – III. Electromagnetic Brain Stimulation", Journal of Neurology and Psychology Research" Article ID: “Article_CS ” 5(3):1-33 (25 March 2024).
A. L. Fymat, Aging in Neuropsychology Research and Medical Treatment: I. Essence of the Aging Process”, Journal of Neurology and Psychology Research 5(3);1-.20.
A. L. Fymat, Aging in Neuropsychology Research and Medical Treatment: II. Senescence and the Biology of Aging, Journal of Neurology and Psychology Research 5(4);1-20. (12 July 2024).
A. L. Fymat, Aging in Neuropsychology Research and Medical Treatment: III. Aging Theories, Journal of Neurology and Psychology Research 5(4);1-.34
A. L. Fymat, Aging in Neuropsychology Research and Medical Treatment: IV. Anti-Aging Behaviors, Anti-Aging Therapy, and Human Life extension, Journal of Neurology and Psychology Research 5(4);1-24.
A, L. Fymat, Huntington's disease: I. Symptomatology, Etiology, and Action Mechanisms. Journal of Neurology and Psychology Research 5(5):1-27.
A, L. Fymat, Huntington's disease: II. Genetic Tests and Differential Diagnosis, Journal of Neurology and Psychology Research 5(5):1-24. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD11660.pub2, Article CS231024. (Published 1 November 2024.)
A, L. Fymat, Huntington's disease: III. Disease management and treatment, Journal of Neurology and Psychology Research 5(5):1-xx. Submitted:
A, L. Fymat, Huntington's disease: IV. Clinical assessment, prediction, and prognosis. Journal of Neurology and Psychology Research 5(5):1-xx.Submitted:
A, L. Fymat, Huntington's disease: V. Research and latest developments. Journal of Neurology and Psychology Research 5(5):1-xx. Submitted: