January 2: Cambridge Who's Who announces the creation of the International Institute of Medicine & Science, Inc. (For complete text:
" http://www.24-7%20pressrelease.com/press-release/alain-l-fymat-inducted-into-cambridge-executive-professional-and-entrepreneurial-registry-68011.php ").
January 11: Dr. G. Sabbah is elected Trustee and co-International Director for France and Italy.
January 28: Mr. G. Bond is elected Director and International Correspondent in Cyprus.
February 15: Mr. R. Sabbah is elected Director and International Correspondent in Spain. He will advise the Board at large on all financial and investment matters.
February 23: Mr. S. Wheeler is elected Director . He will advise the Board at large on community matters and issues.
March 2: . Dr. R. Sabbah is elected Director and International Correspondent in Canada.
March 10: Dr. P. A. DeRidder is elected Director.
March 10: Dr. D. Barbut is elected Director..
March 14: The Franco-Italian Association "Drive in Afrika" held its inaugural meeting in Nice (France). Director, Dr. G. Sabbah is its initiator and Co-Founder. The Association groups mostly physicians and dental surgeons from the French Riviera and Italy. It has two main objectives: (1) To train physicians, nurses, and other medical professionals in Nice so as to enable them to effectively treat their patients (children, particularly) in their home countries); and (2) To provide them the required medical equipment. The Association strives to fill the medical needs in orthopedics, dental implantology, cardiology, and ophthalmology (particularly, treatments of glaucoma and cataracts (that wreak havoc in African populations and lead to blindness).
April 12: The Franco-Italian Association "Drive in Afrika" holds a Colloquium on Ethics in Cannes, France. It was attended by 250 personalities representing the world of ethics in France. Featured presenters and topics were: Dr. G. Sabbah, initiator and Co-Founder of the Association, and Director/Trustee on “Ethics and Humanitarian Service”; Mr. Alain Dorison, Inspector General, French Ministry of Finances on “Ethics and Economy”; The Honorable Olivier Stirn, Former French Minister, First Counselor to the President of France on “Ethics and Politics”; and Dr. Gilles Bernheim, Grand Rabbi of France on “Ethics and Judaism”.
June 18: Dr. P. M. Scheer is elected Director/Trustee.
June 30: Institute Director Dr. P. M. Scheer completed his annual humanitarian mission in Costa Rica and Kazakhstan to repair and correct cleft lips and palates and other facial deformities of the indigenous population.
July – September: On behalf of the Institute, Dr. A. L. Fymat visited several Universities, University hospitals, medical centers, and medical and dental offices in Canada (Montreal and environs), France (Nice and environs), and Italy (San Remo, Arma Di Taggia). The purpose of these visits was to co-opt affiliations with the Institute of prominent international scientists, physicians, and dental surgeons. The Canada visit was organized by Institute Director, Dr. Robert Sabbah, MD, FRCSC . It included the University du Quebec A Montreal (UQAM) with a session with Dr. Richard Beliveau, PhD (see Press Release below). The France-Italy visits were organized by Institute Director, Dr. Gerard Sabbah, DDS. The visits included: institutions "EuroMedicalDentale" and "Drive in Afrika", and medical and dental centers including sessions with Dr. Gerard Sabbah, DDS, Dr. Gianfranco Trapani, MD, Dr. Mauricio Del Torto, PharmD, Dr. Jean-Louis Roche, DDS (of Cabinet Dentaire Atoll Beach), and Dr. Denis Boucq, MD (of Clinique Mozart and Institut Mozart) (see Press Releases below). In addition, Dr. Samuel Berdugo, MD, organized other visits in Nice, France, particularly of the Universite de Nice and its Centre Hospitalier Universitaire (CHU), Pediatrics Department, Units of Hematology, Immunology and Cancerology, including sessions with Dr. Herve Haas, MD, Dr. Anne Deville, MD, and Dr. Christine Soler, MD (see Press releases below).
August 21: Dr. R. Beliveau is elected Director..
September 11-13: Institute Director Mr. G. Bond was a keynote speaker at the "2009 London Anti-Ageing Conference" and lectured on "Latest Insights on Ageing from our Evolutionary History".
October 15: Dr. H. Haas is elected Director and International Correspondent. He will advise the Board at large on all matters relating to pediatrics, including infectious pathology, emergency and reanimation, and related advances in clinical practice, methods, and technologies.
October 22: Dr. G. Trapani is elected Director.
October 25: Dr. C. Soler is elected Director.
October 30: Dr. A. Deville is elected Director.
November 3: Dr. D. Boucq is elected Director.
November 10: Dr. J-L. Roche is elected Director.
November 17: Dr. Papa is elected Director.
November 25: Dr. M. Del Torto is elected Director.
December 5: Dr. G. Trapani, Director is elected Academic President of the first Italian School of Classical Osteopathy in Vallecrosia, Italy. The School celebrated its founding. At the same time, the Don Bosco Institute of Italy held its Grand Opening at its facilities. Celebrations included an open-day of the Conference entitled "Children's Health and Osteopathy".
(For more information, please visit: www.eico-italia.com)