January 5: As an adjunct to this website, InstitutePresident/CEO Dr. A. L. Fymat has created the "socio-professional" network: www.iMedScience.ning.com. This is an interactive network where the Institute's membership (and others) can post blogs, announce events of interest, make comments, suggest ideas or/and topics for further consideration and discussion, and interact with each other in near real-time on subjects of mutual professional interest.
February 10 - March 10: As in previous years, Institute Director Mr. G. Bond toured Southern California including a lecture at the Walter T. Stec Memorial Education Foundation Conference titled "Invest now for a lifetime of vibrant health" in Palm Desert, California and TV appearances.
March 10: Institute President/CEO Dr. A. L. Fymat was appointed to the Editorial Board of the international "Journal of Nanobiotechnology" (www.jnanobiotechnology.com).
April 4: As in previous years, Institute Director/Trustee Dr. G. Sabbah organized a conference on the theme "Economic Responsibility and Social Ethics" in Cannes, France. Other main speakers were: Mr. Alain Dorrison, General Finance Inspector; Mr. Christian Ciganer-Albeniz, Administrator, Economist & Financial Consultant; and Mr. Leo Guez, Educator in Human Resources.
May 5: On behalf of the Institute, Institute President/CEO Dr. A. L. Fymat attended the all-day Workshop "Strategies for Success in a Weak Economy", which was hosted by the Business Technology Center of the Los Angeles County, California.
June 9 – 17: Following a competitive blind review process among ~ 200 applicants, Institute President/CEO Dr. A. L. Fymat was selected a member of a U.S. Delegation of 15 academicians constituting the Second Summer Faculty Fellowship Institute in Israel. The latter Institute was sponsored by "Scholars for Peace in the Middle East (SPME)", "Jewish National Fund (JNF)", "Legacy Heritage Fund (LHF)", and "MediaWatch International (MWI)". Co-hosting Israeli academic institutions were: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Tel Aviv University, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Haifa University, Bar Ilan University, Technion (Israel Institute of Technology), Inter-Disciplinary Center Herzliya, and Sapir College. The tour was led by Professor Samuel Edelman (Executive Director, SPME), Rene Reinhard (Executive Director, JNF), and Sharon Tzur (President/CEO, MWI). The goal of the Summer Institute was "to link scholars from diverse disciplines with their israeli counterparts at major institutions for the purpose of initiating exchanges and collaborations as well as curricular development".
Dr. Fymat made personal visits with the following academics: Prof. A. Mark Clarfield, MD, FRCPC, Head of Geriatrics, Soroka Hospital, Director of the Medical School for International Health, and Sidonie Hecht Professor of Geriatrics, Ben Gurion University of the Negev; Dr. Michael Elkin, PhD, Hadassah Hospital Ein-Kerem, Sharet Institute, Tumor Biology Research Unit and Hebrew University; Prof. Abraham Korol, PhD, Director of the Institute of Evolution, Professor of Genetics, Faculty of Science, Haifa University; Prof. Guy Deutscher, PhD, Specialist in Nanotechnology, School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv University; Prof. Lev Vaidman, PhD, Specialist in Quantum Theory, School of Physics & Astronomy, Tel Aviv University; Prof. Yair Aharonowitz, PhD, Former Vice President of Research & Development, Specialist in Microbiology & Biotechnology, School of Physics & Astronomy, Tel Aviv University; Prof. Benjamin Sredni, PhD, Head, The Sadie AIDS & Immunology Research Program, Head of the Cancer Institute, Founding Dean of the forthcoming new School of Medicine, and Chief Scientist at the Israel Ministry of Health and the Israel National Institute of Health; Specialist in AIDS, Cancer, and Immunology, Bar Ilan University; Dr. Roni Grosz, PhD, Curator of the Albert Einstein Archives, The Hebrew University.
Dr. Fymat further made selected presentations with aims to co-opt Israeli academics and foster joint research & development programs: “Evolutionary Lifestyle and Health”, “Medicine - Evolutionary Perspective”; “Cancer - Evolutionary Legacy”; “Quantum Theory - Implications on Consciousness and Quantitative Psychiatry”; “Combating Human Aging and Senescence”; and “Launching New Biomedical Ventures”.
July 1: Dr. M. Elkin is elected a member.
August 15: Institute Director Dr. R. Sabbah was elected President of the Society of Obstetricians & Gynecologists of the Province of Quebec, Canada. This two-year appointment will govern the transformation and evolution of that profession in Quebec. It will also be the focal point of interaction with like societies in other provinces of Canada and Canada itself.